Beavercreek North Girl Scouts Higher Awards
Girl Scouts have the opportunity to work on Higher Awards starting as Juniors. Bronze Awards, Silver Awards, and Gold Awards give Girl Scouts a strong base for learning how to plan and implement projects that make a positive impact on the community. In addition, the skills learned with these Awards give Girl Scouts a strong base for project work in school and work.
Gold Awards
View different Gold Awards that have been completed by Beavercreek North Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts. These projects are completed by girls in 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade.
Silver Awards
View different Silver Awards that have been completed by Beavercreek North Cadette Girl Scouts. These projects are completed by girls in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.
Project pages coming soon.
Bronze Awards
View different Bronze Awards that have been completed by Beavercreek North Junior Girl Scouts. These projects are completed by girls in 4th and 5th grade.
Project pages coming soon.